Guest Speaker – Hannah Starkey

Hannah Starkey- Belfast (British Photographer)

  • Staged settings of Women in city environments
  • Her recent images have an almost theatrical character
  • Went to Royal College in London

Staged settings- her work describes as “explorations” of everyday experiences and observations of Inner city life from female perspective.

She has found her style by experimenting with different artist styles.

She grew up in a very “organic” way- 90’s was when everything in photography was changing

-entering different markets when photography wasn’t really known to be famous or properly displayed on compared to paintings and art works.

She started of her career with film now only really shooting with digitals.

  • the work she produced came out not really structured

When she started photography was really not well known, “non-sense”. also the times when she started releasing work, there weren’t many famous photographers either.

People thought her photos were all making a statement for feminist. – but it was because she had hew own style and she wanted to bring out more woman out those times.

As she said in the lecture if her projects were all based on males, no one would of made comments because her photographs were all based on females people have made comments about her projects. – therefore she decided to bring out more females into photographs in 90’s Times.

Her best photographs were taking on medium format but now its all digital.

Her work has been constant for 20 years even though it was steady but she found her style and she keeps changing it slowly and developing it through out her projects.

“You make up your own way- own rules to be a strong photographer.” – Hannah Starkey during the lecture

Her photographs are all natural lightings, doesn’t like using flash photography because it feels too artificial to her comparison to her work.